The Practice of Creating a Life
Matisse's colorful palette inspires me
For as long as people have been creating, there have been others taking inspiration from them. For me, inspiration comes not only from other painters, but from organic forms in nature, a toddler leaning in close to put his tiny hands on his mom's cheeks, a moss covered arch over an old door, hand stitching around an artisan crafted dress. I’m always taking in…something…anything. Seeing. Noticing. Connecting the dots... and not always consciously.
Beginning artists ask how to develop a style. My experience is that it doesn’t just appear one day. It’s an emergence that happens so slowly, that you don’t really know it’s happening. Until one day someone says, “I love your style,” and you realize that maybe you do have one. Kids often tell me that I look like my pictures in my books, so maybe I'm just drawing parts of a face I see in the mirror every day!
Creating art for children's book, Willow and the Wedding, written by Denise Brennan Nelson
Beaming into the world
The authentic 'voice' of an artist, writer, or musician comes from deep within their own knowing. Looking at the work of others can be inspiring, but searching through websites and Pinterest/Instagram pages for inspiration can actually become a block to real inspiration. So my suggestion is to begin somewhere easier. Pick up a brush or pencil….doodle….and trust that something will show up. PLAY! Feel the way in…IN to what a painting wants to be…IN to find the ease and flow...IN to the still point, where there is no trying...only surrendering to something that wants to come forth.
If you meditate or do yoga, you probably know this feeling well. Or maybe you’ve noticed the stillness while fishing, or snow skiing, or gardening. My friend gets in a peaceful zone while mucking horse stalls. Even solitary road trips can be zen like. I often return home from trips with scribbles of barely legible notes written on the backs of receipts and Subway napkins.
saying nice things to 'me'
I’ve learned to listen to the nudges that come and to feel ok when they don’t. Going into a judge-y place can be tempting when ideas aren’t flowing. But negative mind chatter creates self doubt and speaks over the true whispers of the soul. Believing in yourself is the goal. I’ve found that having a few freak out moments when beginning anything new is just part of my process. Even after publishing over 50 books, I still think: “Do I really have another idea in me?” “Can I really do this?” “Might I be just faking my way through my career?” Cue up a good playlist and begin to move a pencil across the paper, even if it's just doodling. Join the flow.
Painting at ArtFields 2017 Anyone know the artist?
A well lived life
We all have personal magic to deliver in the world—every single one of us, whether we consider ourselves a ‘creative’ person or not. Someone can show up in their fullest expression as an accountant, a bus driver, a zoo keeper, or an airplane pilot. My wonderful ex mother-in-law was a perfect example of how to bloom where she was planted. She worked in the county tax assessor’s office, and every person walking in the door benefited from her huge smile, her warm ways, and generous attitude. And when she left this planet, her funeral had standing room only. So many people came out to celebrate the well lived life of this woman who touched them in some wonderful way.
“Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans.”
John Lennon's lyrics in Beautiful Boy are so true. Life goes on whether we consciously participate or not. We've all known someone who has given up living long before they have to. Talking about plans is not doing.
Taking the action each day is cumulative. Writers and artists who practice their craft often, keep the creative energy activated for lots of juicy free flowing inspiration. Here's a tip: create daily calendar appointments with your muse and always show up!
Deciding to work out at the gym, or walk over the bridge, or ride a horse has positive effects on the body and mind. Eating healthy is something to do now...not after life settles down. Being open hearted to others means practicing being truly present with them. Simple acts of kindness, like looking into the eyes of your cashier or allowing another driver to merge into your lane, change the dynamic of life—for everyone. What if we all just decided to show up for each other with the best that we have?
Since we are manifesting life with every choice, my daily intention is to be aware of my choices in each moment.
If you feel inspired, check out Joe Dispenza’s book. It greatly influenced my life: Changing the Habit of Being Yourself...How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One,